

The agreement falls within Solarias internationalization strategy in thriving markets.

Inversolar SRL have chosen Solaria because is an internationally renowned brand and its quality and efficient second-generation PV modules.

Madrid, June 28th 2011


Solaria Energía Medio Ambiente, S.A. has signed a strategic agreement with Inversolar SRL, subsidiary company of Promocions Inversolar65 S.L., to supply Solaria PV modules to the construction of various PV projects in Romania. This agreement entails construction of several grid-connected plants throughout the country that will benefit from the supported rates offered by the Rumanian Government for this kind of facilities. With this agreement, Solaria confirms its internationalization strategy in raising markets, in this case, through a partnership with a reference company as Inversolar SRL.

Through this agreement Solaria will provide Inversolar SRL with its latest technology in second-generation photovoltaic modules, which offer the best performance both in electric efficiency and in mechanical resilience and endurance to corrosion, even in salty environments. These products have a 10 ten years garantee. On the other hand, Inversolar SRL will be in charge of engineering, procurement and construction of the various projects to be undertaken under this strategic partnership.


With this framework agreement Solaria further strengthens its presence in the most thriving international markets, in this case, with the association with a reference company as Inversolar SRL. This company is mainly focused in the PV market and this strategic agreement will help them to speed up growth. Inversolar SRL has chosen Solaria because is an internationally renowned brand and its quality and efficient second-generation PV modules.

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