
Conference “The contribution of photovoltaic solar energy to European strategic autonomy” together with the Elcano Royal Institute

Thursday, 16 February 2023, from 10:00 to 13:00 CET (UTC+1). 

Venue: Espacio Bertelsmann (c/ O’Donnell nº 10, Madrid)

Registration here:

Solar photovoltaic energy brings with it an essential triad: it allows us to decarbonise our economy, helps to electrify our society and increases energy efficiency, allowing for a substantial reduction in electricity bills. Solar PV is therefore a key part of the solution to our dependence on fossil fuels and our need to build more sustainable societies. It is an indigenous and autonomous energy, essential for the strength and independence of the European Union.

The re-founding of the European Union requires a strategic decision: to rapidly inject thousands of megawatts of electricity produced with renewable energy into the grid and to deploy powerful pan-European electricity interconnections linking the 27 countries, thus enabling them to share this precious and indispensable resource. For this reason, solar energy is presented in the European response plan to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, known as REPowerEU, as a key technology for strategic autonomy, for combating climate change and for improving the EU’s industrial competitiveness.

On the occasion of the International Renewable Energy Conference (IREC) to be held in Madrid and with the sponsorship of Solaria, the Elcano Royal Institute is organising an event with experts and relevant actors from the private sector to provide recommendations from a strategic point of view to accelerate and intensify the deployment of renewable energies. The event will address the following topics:

The contribution of photovoltaic solar energy to the strategic autonomy of the European Union.
Solar photovoltaic energy and its contribution to climate change mitigation.
Solar photovoltaic energy as a factor of industrial competitiveness.
REPowerEU: towards accelerated deployment of solar PV.
New electricity interconnections for a functional Energy Union.


10:00 Inauguration

  • José Juan Ruiz, President, Real Instituto Elcano | @ElcanoJjRuiz

10:15 Round Table: “The vision of companies: solar energy and strategic autonomy in the EU”.

  • Arturo Díaz-Tejeiro, CEO of Solaria | @diaz_tejeiro
  • REDEIA representative (to be confirmed)
  • Rafael González, General Manager of Power Generation Iberia, ENEL | @EnelGroup
  • Julio Castro, CEO of Iberdrola Renovables | @iberdrola
  • Javier Anzola, Director of Retail Electricity and Gas, Repsol | @JavierAnzolap
  • Moderator: Lara Lázaro, Senior Researcher, Real Instituto Elcano | @lazarotouza

11:30 Coffee Break

12:00 Roundtable: “The end of the energy trilemma: climate, prices and energy sovereignty”.

  • Marina Serrano, President, Asociación de Empresas de Energía Eléctrica (aelēc) | @aelec_es
  • Juan Bogas Gálvez, Director of Market Monitoring, OMIE
  • Mikel González Eguino, Senior Researcher at BC3 (Bask Center for Climate Change) | @BC3Research
  • Asunción Ruiz Guijosa, Executive Director of SEO BirdLife | @SEO_BirdLife
  • Moderator: Gonzalo Escribano, Senior Researcher and Director of the Energy and Climate Change Programme, Real Instituto Elcano | @g_escribano

Hashtag: #PhotovoltaicsEU

– The event will be held in Spanish without simultaneous interpretation.

– To attend in person, registration is required here

– The debate can also be followed live on the Elcano Royal Institute’s YouTube channel. Online attendance does not require registration

– The online audience can send their questions to or via Twitter with the hashtag of th

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