Solaria maintains its credit rating of “BBB+”

EthiFinance Ratings positively assesses the company’s business profile, driven by a positive industry rating, competitive advantages and the group’s management scope. April 8, 2024 The European credit rating agency, EthiFinance Ratings, has maintained Solaria’s rating at “BBB+”, continuing the Stable trend. The report made public by the agency has highlighted that “the rating continues to … Ler mais

Solaria increases net profit by 24% to 86.4 million euros and invests 261 million euros in the first nine months of the year

3Q 2023 Earning Presentation Consolidated Management Report 3Q   – The company increased revenues by 43% to 172.4 million euros and EBITDA grew by 41% to 153.6 million euros compared to the same period last year. – Given the remarkable evolution of PPA prices in Spain, the company will continue to sign new long-term energy … Ler mais

Solaria will invest 2,600 million euros in Europe over the next three years

Capital Markets Day 2023 Earnings Presentation H1 2023 Consolidated Financial Statements H1 2023 Sustainability Report H1 2023 In the first six months of the year, the Company has increased its revenues by 32% to 99.6 million euros and its EBITDA has increased by 31% to 89 million euros. Solaria has signed a new power purchase … Ler mais

BEI aprova quadro de financiamento até €1.700 milhões para a instalação de energias renováveis pela Solaria em Portugal, Espanha e Itália

BEI aprova quadro de financiamento até €1.700 milhões para a instalação de energias renováveis pela Solaria em Portugal, Espanha e Itália As novas centrais fotovoltaicas vão ter uma capacidade instalada de 5,6 GW. A operação é apoiada pelo programa InvestEU, que visa mobilizar mais de €372 mil milhões em investimentos adicionais durante o período 2021-2027. O … Ler mais

Solaria and the Basque Energy Agency obtain favourable environmental impact statements for its Vitoria 1 and Vitoria 2 plants of 100 MW in total

September, 20 2023 Solaria and the Basque Energy Agency under its company Indarberri, have obtained favourable environmental impact statements (EIS) for their photovoltaic plants Vitoria 1 and Vitoria 2 with a total capacity of 100 MW. These plants, located in Arratzua-Ubarrundia, Elburgo/Burgelu and Vitoria Gasteiz, will generate green energy for more than 30 years and … Ler mais

A Solaria inaugura a sua central solar fotovoltaica de Casais da Marmeleira em Portugal

7 de julho de 2023 A Solaria, empresa líder no desenvolvimento e produção de energia solar fotovoltaica no sul da Europa, inaugurou hoje oficialmente o seu parque solar fotovoltaico Casais da Marmeleira, de 12,1 MW, em Portugal. O evento foi presidido por Ana Fontoura Gouveia, Secretária de Estado da Energia e Clima do Governo Português, … Ler mais