
COP27: Solaria supports renewable energies as a basis for the strategic reconstruction of the European Union

Solaria has participated today, within the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP27), in the event organised by the Real Instituto Elcano and the London School of Economics & Political Science under the title “Climate governance towards net zero and resilience: strengthening cooperation between Latin America and Spain in the current context”.

At this event, which took place in the Spanish Pavilion, David Redoli, Solaria’s Institutional Relations Coordinator, stated the need to place renewable energies at the centre of the strategic reconstruction of the European Union.

The objectives of the founding treaties of the EU envisaged securing energy supply and achieving price stability and competitiveness. And there is no doubt that renewable energies make it possible to achieve these objectives today, while also helping to combat inflation.

“We must never forget that the European Union was built on the foundations of energy. Today, it will be energy, once again, that will recast the European Union. And we will do so thanks to renewable energy,” said David Redoli.

Accelerating the energy transition

Solaria, aware of its role as a benchmark company in the energy transition, has defended that the ecological transition must be accelerated, through a rapid and massive deployment of technologies such as photovoltaic solar energy.

Renewable energies, and in particular solar photovoltaic energy, bring with them an essential triad: decarbonising our economies, electrifying our societies and increasing energy efficiency. In this sense, photovoltaic solar energy is undoubtedly the cornerstone of three major challenges we face as a society:

  • The fight against global warming
  • The need to achieve energy sovereignty for all nations, which translates into national security (avoiding dependence on foreign fuels).
  • The need to achieve cheap electricity prices

Solaria also stressed the need for a new, specific and mandatory regulatory framework to speed up the deployment of solar photovoltaic plants, which is essential to achieve 70% of the EU’s energy being renewable by 2030. In this sense, Redoli pointed out that we must succeed with the revision of the European Renewable Energy Directive and the European Commission’s Proposal to establish a new framework to effectively accelerate the deployment of renewable energy in the 27 Member States.

Social acceptance

The Solaria representative underlined that developers of solar photovoltaic parks should bear in mind that only plants determined by sustainability and with limited environmental impact will be acceptable.

Solar photovoltaic energy can be a driving force for rural development, as it helps to fix the population in areas affected by the demographic challenge, by creating local jobs (direct and indirect) in the different stages of the life cycle of each project (development, construction, operation and maintenance). And, in addition, because it generates wealth in the municipalities near the plants (both through the payment of taxes derived from their activity and the reactivation of nearby economies).

“It is in our hands to promote a rapid and massive deployment of renewable energies throughout Europe, so that they become our main energy supply and, consequently, the basis of our progress, the progress of fairer, more prosperous, more sustainable, less polluting and, above all, freer, more autonomous and environmentally friendly societies”, said David Redoli.


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