
Solaria enters the data centers market

  • The Spanish energy company has obtained from Red Eléctrica the feasibility of access and connection for the supply of demand for a total of 155 MW for data processing centers (DPCs).
  • For the development of this new activity, Solaria has created the company SOLARIA DATA CENTER.

May 23rd, 2024

Solaria enters the data center market and has already obtained from Red Eléctrica the viability of access and connection for the supply of demand for a total of 155 MW for data processing centers (DPCs).

For the development of this new activity, Solaria has created the company SOLARIA DATA CENTER. Likewise, the company will use its own electrical infrastructures linked to its energy generation projects in operation, construction and development, which include, in addition to its own power infrastructures (generation, substations and high voltage lines), fiber optics for the connectivity of these centers.

The affordable electricity prices provided by renewable energies in the Iberian market represent a unique opportunity to accelerate and intensify the digital transition in Spain.

Data processing centers (DPCs) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) will require large amounts of energy. For this reason, Solaria has established itself as a firm ally of Spain’s digital transformation, firmly committed to it.

In this sense, Solaria already has the capacity to provide green electricity supply through its own energy transport infrastructures, with the aim of facilitating the energization of digital infrastructures.

Synchronizing the digital transformation with the energy transition will allow to reduce the lead times of the digital industry investments by relying on infrastructures already in service.

Solaria, thanks to its production of clean, renewable, cheap, secure and sovereign energy, introduces very positive incentives for investors in digital infrastructures in Spain.

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